Tribute Wall
Calling Hours
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Friday, December 6, 2024
Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church
2819 County Route 45
Fulton, New York, United States
Memorial Services
12:00 pm
Friday, December 6, 2024
Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church
2819 County Route 45
Fulton, New York, United States
Memorial Contributions
Donations in Phil’s memory may be made towards new Bibles for the Mount Pleasant Church United Methodist Church, 2819 County Route 45, Fulton, NY 13069.
Rae Kelsey lit a candle
Monday, December 9, 2024

Dear Adele, I only just heard today and I am so sorry for your loss. Such a beautiful, loving, kind couple. Some years have flown by since we have last spoken but I think of you often and pray for comfort for you. Rae Kelsey
Adeline Castaldo lit a candle
Thursday, December 5, 2024

Dear Adele,
This breaks my heart for you, your true love, and your family.
My favorite memories of Phil were in High School. Phil was always beloved as a wonderful person and friend and his popularity was enormous. Who didn't know "Phil and Adele".
He was a kind, generous person who treated everyone he know and who worked for him with equal respect.
He will be truly missed, but his memory will remain in our hearts forever.
Addie Castaldo
Stephanie Folds lit a candle
Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Dear Mrs. Sheldon,
I am deeply sorry for the immense loss you and your family are experiencing.
My father, Dale Lamb, loved Phil like a brother. Growing up, my siblings and I often heard stories about the adventures—and occasional mischief—they shared. In recent years, their "adventures" may have been as simple as enjoying a hotdog and ice cream at Lake Neatahwanta or chatting on the phone in the early morning, but those moments were treasures to my dad.
Dad often talks about how their lifelong friendship began with a bond over the shared loss of parents at a young age. While it was a sad start to their connection, Phil’s friendship brought my father so much joy and laughter throughout his life.
Please know that the Lamb Family is holding you in our hearts during this time of sorrow, and always.
With Peace, Love and Comfort,
Stephanie Folds
Ruth Stevens posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Rest in Peace, Phil. While I only met Phil and Adele recently, I had the chance to discuss his knowing my Dad through his farming. Those shared memories meant the world to me. God places people in our lives for a reason. I'm grateful for having met both of you. Until we meet again friend, fly high. God bless and keep you, Ruth Stevens
Linda Thomas-Caster posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
My dear Adele my heart breaks for you and your family at this time. Your kindred spirits with Doug and I were so appreciated. Phil was the epitome of authenticity and his expressions of faith and love were so genuine. His memory will always stand tall. Prayers and hugs to you all.
Linda Thomas-Caster
william mccarty posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
had the pleasure of working for phill for many years was a great neighbor him an adele did alot for my family we are all very sorry for his passing he will be missed by all.
Brooke Rowlee Clark posted a condolence
Monday, December 2, 2024
Love you Aunt Adele and Uncle Phil.
William V. Hastings posted a condolence
Monday, December 2, 2024
Dear Adele,
It was with saddened information that I learned 0f the passing of your husband Phillip.
Experiencing the death of a husband is so personal that very few of us can understand
the grief involved. Hope to ease your sorrow if you know that Phil will be greatly
missed by the many friends and family members he has supported. I am one of his friends
from our fellowship at Fulton High School (1950's).
Phillip was loved and respected by many and will be profoundly missed by all.
Most sincerely,
William Hastings
Hadley, NY
The family of Philip David Sheldon uploaded a photo
Monday, December 2, 2024

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